Monday, 22 July 2013

So you're deaf, get over it!

Me and two Moroccan shop keepers in Fez, Morrocco  

"I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do"
- Helen Keller

By Jacqui Ball
     Welcome to the Fractured Ekoze website.  Being  deaf does not mean you can't reach for your dreams.  The main purpose of writing  this blog is to…
  • Inspire and inform you of my experiences relating to my hearing-loss and,
  • To encourage you to apply these strategies when you feel challenged
     But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Jacqui Ball, I am a woman in my late 60's and for most of my life I have had bilateral moderate - severe hearing impairment from birth, 75% in my left ear and 65% in my right.  Although I have been encouraged to wear two hearing aids, I wear one digital hearing aide in my right ear, which is my best ear.  I have been inspired to write for years to reach out to people who have hearing loss and are seeking solutions in managing their disability more effectively within the community.  In the past, I have met so many people, who find it difficult to come to terms with their hearing loss particularly those who are young or diagnosed late in life. 
The Siemens hearing aid I wear
     I have also found that a small minority of the deaf community,  who have hearing-impairment, are either afraid or embarrassed of the fact that they have a hearing loss. They refuse to accept their disability or wear their hearing aids. I want to set a good example by sharing with you how I managed to survive my whole life of being hearing impaired defeating challenges that I have been confronted with from my childhood until now.  

     My goal is to support people who have experienced similar issues and are finding it difficult to accept their hearing loss in a world of sounds and voices.  As a result of achieving the positive outcomes in my life, this website is also an open forum for people for both young and old, to say what they want and find answers to help them cope with everyday complex challenges and personal issues relating to their disability.  This blog site also aims to help the hearing impaired community by sharing and exchanging valuable information and stories that will reassure others who also have the same disability, that we are not alone. 

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